Contoh Soal Uas Bahasa Inggris Sd Kelas 4 Semester 1 Semester Average ratng: 9,2/10 1280 votes

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It is eight o’clock in the morning. We say. Good afternoon b. Good evening c. Good night d. Good morning 4. Twelve + Eighteen =.

Thirty two b. Thirty one d. Thirty three 5 Dina takes a bath in the. Living room b. Bedroom d. kitchen 6. I wear to school. Fifteen, sixteen.

I have fingers in hand. My aunt’s husband is my. Father c. uncle b. Grandfather d. brother 10. Pramono and Mrs. Pramono are husband.

Grand mother 11. My brother was driving. What is his job?

Saepullah is my father, Mrs. Saepullah is my mother. They are my. Grandfather d. In the dining room. Nedi:”How are you?” Meti: “ I am thank you.” a.

Seputar Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 Kelas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, dan 6 Terima kasih telah membaca Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 Kelas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, dan 6.Semoga. Oct 1, 2013 - Soal Bahasa Inggris SD Semester Ganjil. Kelas: IV ( Empat). Selvi: Good afternoon, Alvi? Alvi:., Selvi. Good evening c. Elementary school. Contoh jurnal skripsi contoh kepailitan batavia air contoh makalah contoh makalah kepailitan.

I can see with my. I smell something with my. Toni:”Is it a book?” Isti: “Yes,”. My mother is. In the kitchen. The students are studying in the.


Answer the question below! • bahasa inggrisnya adalah • bahasa inggrisnya adalah. • (ada berapa pensil dalam gambar itu). • bahasa inggrisnya adalah. • Ears artinya dalam bahasa indonesia • Nine, Ten,., Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen. • (berapa jumlah penggaris itu).

• Selamat malam dalam bahasa Inggris adalah • Ten books artinya • bahasa inggrisnya adalah C. Sebutkanlah 3 anggota tubuh yang ada di bagian kepala ( dalam bahasa Inggris )?.

Tulis angka 1 – 10 dalam bahasa Inggris?. Sebutkanlah 3 macam jenis job (pekerjaan) dalam bahasa Inggris?. Buatlah kata-kata dalam bahasa Inggris dari huruf berikut ini: B.

Apa bahasa inggris dari gambar berikut ini. Key answer for A • C • A • D • A • A • D • B • B • C • A • D • C • B • B • C • D • A • A • C • B Key ansewr for B • Ruler • Hand • Seven • Nose • Hidung • Eleven • Four • Good night • Sepuluh buku • Blackboard Key answer for B • Eyes, hair, nose, ears, lip, mouth, ect. • One, two, three, four, five, sic, seven, eight, nine, ten • Teacher, driver, seller, butcher, doctor, engineer, etc.

• B: book, box, ball, bed, big, boss, bread, break, blue, etc. E: ear, elephant, end, eggs, eel, eight, expose, embarrassed. F: five, fire, farm, fine, frog, fan, funny, face, food, foot, etc. • shoes, hat Demikian pembahasan artikel pada kesempatan ini mengenai, semoga dapat membantu untuk berlatih menghadapi Ujian semester genap. Jangan lupa untuk terus belajar, karena jika “ malas belajar hanya akan membuat suatu pelajaran semakin sulit di pelajari!”.

• DINAS PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN SEKOLAH DASAR ULANGAN AKHIR SEMESTER I BAHASA INGGRIS TAHUN PELAJARAN 2015 / 2016 Subject: English Lesson Class: Fourt Years Day / date: Time: 10.00 11.30 I. Choose the correct answer by crossing ( X ) a, b, c or d! Q: How are you? Q: Good night! A: good night! Have a nice dream b.

Good night d. Q: is your name?

A: My name Is Indira. Do you study? A: I study at Wijaya Elementary school. Lidri is a teacher. She is teaching in the a. Lina: Good afternoon, Siska!

Siska: Good afternoon, Lina! Okay, I like it!

How do you spell INDRA a. Ei en di er a c. Ai en di er a d.

Ai en di er ei 8. Double yu ei en ti - ai a.

Write down es yu en ef el ou double yu I a: a. Sun flower d. It is for way ou way - ou a. We save our pencil in the 13. Q: Who had born us? There is a test in the school. This night is very cool.

Dont sleep on the 16. Son of my aunt is my 17. We can keep our books and pencils in the 18. Dont play • 19. Your eyes will be sick. Anton is my father. He has a brother, Mr.

Dirman is my 21. Rearrange it! Ears - cant our - We - see 22. We can taste some nice foods using 23. How do you spell it!

Blink your 25. Q: What grade are you in? A: I am in grade 26. Desi: Can I borrow your pencil, Tina?

Tina:, here you are. Dino: Can I borrow your kite, Deni? Deni:., I have only one. Q: Who is the first President in Indonesia? Togar is old. He is seventy years old.

On the table! Name: Intan Safika Nick name: Fika Place of birth: Blitar Date of birth: December 25, 2003 Grade: Four Age: Ten years old Address: Jln. 4 Blitar School: Sanjaya Elementary School 31. Spell her nick name!


Q: Where was she born? Is she eleven years old? Q: When was she born? Q: Where does she study? 36 40 This is my family My name is Santo. My father is Mr.Adrian Mr.

Adrian is a doctor Mrs. Dewi my mom, she is a teacher Sinta is my sister. Q: Who is my father?

Q: Who is my mother? Is my sister is Sinta? Adrian a teacher? Is there any grand father? • Key answer!